Work Hard Play Hard

in #motivation7 years ago

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In a country like mine, where the economic,social, system is not really functioning one needs to work really hard in order to achieve your dreams or be successful as a lot of us wished we had more hours in a day to complete the numerous activity we engage in daily. As they say no food for lazy man, a lot of people, fathers, mother, young guys and girls need to work real hard to put food on the table for either them or their families so when you come across a post like this you might disagree saying there's no time to play.

The weekend is here given us a very short time to rest, more like a break before the week starts again. I believe this is an opportunity to have fun and give yourself a reward for a well finished week. I know most of us are yet to meet the mark we have set or are yet to attain our the goal we set but this are some few reasons why we need to take a chill

1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
The first time I told someone of this quote he was like am not Jack.. lol.. So you could put your name in place of Jack if you don't mind. The idea is that when you work to much your brain becomes more stressed out and now becomes to give you less productivity, w one might think you going dull the answer is no it just a funny way of the brain saying give me a break..

2. Health
You need a healthy mind and soul for you to work. The body is just like any mechanical vehicle when it works overtime it over heats, so you need to stop work allow to cool down before starting work again and the other the machine the more often you need cool down. The body is no different, it can breakdown when been pushed beyond it's limit. You see some people fall sick and the only prescription given to them is to rest or relax.

3. Quantity kills quality
The more task you take the smaller your chance in doing an excellent job. Because you have so many things on the list to get done within a short time frame. You mindset is getting them all done in the process Careingless how much quality you put in them. Why no give your self a break from it. It more like starting again with full energy to put in to the work


4. You hurting your relationship
Relationship is everything in life as you need to interact, communicate, socialize with others to be called human. To much work push away your love ones, one woould say it all for them, but when you attain the set goal you might not have any one around to enjoy it with you. Take time off to spend time with your family, love ones and friends.

5. You can't get all the work done
No matter how much you try and how much work you've done, mire work still come their is always that I to dot or that t to cross that Stone that had still been unturned . So why the stress enjoy while you can and let work be

It good to work hard because it is most essential in creating a better tomorrow but it also more important to have fun while you are alive. At what better opputunity do you have than now it the weekend. Their are numerous ways to have fun, you could go to that park you've always Wanted to go to , or to the cinema to watch that movie everyone has been talking about, or you could be indoor spending time with your spouse, girlfriend or your family or better still playing the play station with your friends. The point is that you should give yourself a break, a well deserved break.



Being serious does not mean no time to just feel cool with yourself and people around you sometimes...... Back in secondary school we where told read like you don't know how to play and play like you do not know how to read..... Work Hard Play Hard