If The Battle Is Not Over Why Surrender?

in #motivation6 years ago

Have you won the battle? Have you overcome the tussles against you? Have you emerge the champion? Are you declared victorious? Are you crown the winner? If the above has not taken place then why relaxing? Why sleeping and slumbering?

It's only when the battle is over that you re save. You can only sleep and slumber if you so wish when you must have overcome the entire territory of war. It's so dangerous to assumed you will win in all odds when you re not at alert. The battle of life isn't for the weak because such would be blown away by the wind.

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Victory is guaranteed by work not by sight. It isn't how you look that would scare your enemies, it isn't just about how much you talk that would compel your adversaries to surrender. It isn't about bragging, not by lips but by work. For faith without work is dead. Your faith must have a testimony.

Your enemies would only become afraid when they look through your records and see how tough and how many occasions you won battles, your adversaries would surrender by your actions, decisions, dedication, agility, toughness, wisdom, understanding, bravery, strategies etc. The above re the features of a wise warrior, if you don't possess these virtues you would have no choice than to surrender because you would be caught suddenly.

The battle of life today is no longer physical, howbeit it were physical so many of us wouldn't have just sleep like a hopeless being or dead wood. Today's world we fight endless battles ranging from the spiritual, physical, emotional, health wise, marital, financial etc. These battles seems to be highly underestimated by people but it's rather the most intensify battles anyone could face. These battles we fight on daily bases no matter who you re whether rich or poor we fight one battle and the other everyday.


These battles can also be overcome but sequentially. One at a time. The more you desire to win over a battle the more prepared you become. If your battle is spiritual then you must be spiritually sound, if it be physical then you must be physically sound that is in wisdom and understanding, if it be financially then you must apply the financial wisdom. If it be health issues then you must try to live healthy, if it be emotional then you must learn to understand yourself and people around you.

You can't continue doing things or living the same way or lifestyle and expect a turnaround or a breakthrough. Something must leave you for something to come into you. If you don't give out you can't receive. You hold the key to breakthrough and win every battle you face but your applications would determine your results.

What battle(s) do you think you re going through? Do there seem so big or so tough to overcome? Have you in anyway decided to give up the struggle? Why would you make such decision, do you know that it isn't over until you say so? Nothing is impossible with the right mind

You can do all things if you believe you can. Your mind is bigger than your problem, open your mind and it would swallow up your troubles. Remember No Retreat No Surrender