Common But Actually Uncommon

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Let’s talk about the common saying about an expected common but truly uncommon thing as humans. Be motivated to put your own common sense into work as you go through this post.

“There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

You see before I ever saw this quote on the web, it always bothered me when an individual is being accused of not applying common sense, if it’s that common then everyone will be more sensible and reasonable but the the truth is the common sense not common afterall. You think you have yours? So put it to work.... Mide

“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.” ~ Robert Green Ingersoll

You see common sense in my own opinion is measured by intelligence quotient {IQ}. Being educated doesn’t implies common sense, it’s no an acquired knowledge, it’s inbuilt as I’d love to describe it. Education is just a 10% thing while common sense is 90% essential. Common sense as far as education is concerned is required but education without common sense is what I referred to being seriously unserious.... Mide

“Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.” ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

The word common implies a frequent and expected general knowledge or occurrence. Sense is referring to the level of intelligence so it’s a common intelligence, the expectation of things being done in the right manner as they ought to be. Are you doing the things the way they are supposed to be done ? Don’t be part of those foolishness in disguise.... Mide

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” ~ Buddha

The ability to argue with facts, the ability to reason and compare facts before agreeing, the ability to distinguish right from wrong with basic provided facts, the ability to judge others judgment is what I call common sense.... Mide

“Remember the phrase, ‘The real teacher is within you.’ Very simply, that teacher is to be found in the common sense of your own heart.” ~ Sara Paddison

It’d be an amazing development if common sense as we all know it could change in name. Are we saying those intellectually stupid has no element of sense? Are we also saying the lack of common sense leads to insanity? Well let’s not confuse ourselves here, all I’d say is if your instinct ain’t working then you’ve got to revive your {IQ}.... Mide


While growing up, "you lack common sense" was always a go to insult, lol. But now i have actually realised that a lot of people do not have common sense, society has made education look equivalent to common sense, but trust nature to humble the people who lack it.

Keep steeming,