in #motivation7 years ago


      Purpose Living

It is not over until you achieve success!

Make a determination to keep pursuing your dreams. Resolve within yourself that no matter how many times you've failed in trying to live a meaningful and satisfying life. IT IS NOT OVER!

It doesn't matter if your business has crumbled countless times. IT IS NOT OVER!

It doesn't matter if instead of experiencing happiness in your relationship, the opposite is the case. IT IS NOT OVER!

No matter how many times you've failed in pursuit of a good career. IT IS NOT OVER!

Your house taken away for failure to service your mortgage. IT IS NOT OVER!

Your dreams have been shattered severally and you think of abandoning them. IT IS NOT OVER!

No matter how many times you've been labelled a nonentity. IT IS NOT OVER!

It doesn't matter if your relatives have neglected you just because you are not living up to expectations because of your present bad situation. IT IS NOT OVER!

You've been battling with that sickness for years and you're exhausted and broke after spending everything you had on it. IT IS NOT OVER!

Debts and bills are pilled up and no hope of paying them back. IT IS NOT OVER!

Say to life this is just the beginning, the show is just starting. It is not over yet. Be courageous!

Look life in the face and declare that you won't abandon your dreams no matter how frightened you are to do so.

Make a declaration that you are a success. Say you are liberated. Say words of hope into your destiny. Make positive declarations always.

Believe in yourself that you can still achieve greatly. Believe it is possible! Be positive! Keep marching forward!

Don't give in to challenges of life. Is there any success story without challenges? Listen to that tiny voice coming through that inspite of the challenges of life, you can still achieve success. Because that is why you were created.

You become the people you spend the most time with. If the people around you are not serious about developing themselves and growing then stop wasting your time with them.

At the end of the day, it will be your fault if you do not reach your potential.

You deserve success

Always live a life of purpose.
