Very powerful words that should resonate with us all.
Imagine if public school's incorporated Mindfulness into every facet of the educational process. The world would be a very different place and the societal structure would probably be nurturing, rather than restrictive.
I love the incorporation of the GIF you created as well. I have found the GIF to be a much better way to display graphics. You can put 20 photo's in the space of one and create video's that auto play...The perfect attention getter!
Yes! Mindfullness and connecting with intuition should be staple components of our education. We are so focused on external creation that we disregard our own incredible abilities, forgetting that we have the power to access deep knowledge and compassion.
I definitely love the use of imagery. I'm working on creating posts that allow for a more holistic appreciation instead of linear engagement. Maybe today i can make a post based around imagery/sound instead of alphabetic comprehension 👏