Firstable, i want to say hello, to everyone. I will introduce myself. I'm 22 years old guy from small country named Estonia. In my blog I will write about incomes and will try to give some advices how to do million before 30. I don't have my own real estate but it will be changed in a next year. I think I have a lot of interesting ideas how to earn money. Okay lets start.
So, I think everyone knows that we have some types of income:
ACTIVE income
PASSIVE income
Active income, it is when we work hard in company or freelance. Kinds of job where we spend (waste) a lot of time of our life.
P.S. I wrote WASTE because 85 percents of people don't like their jobs.
Passive income, it is when you chill and money comes to your pocket. You can be in every place in the world but money will come on your bank account or in other places.
Everyone want to have passive income but have to know that if you want it, you have to hard work sleep less. For one day you can't do passive income. I know, maybe in this topic you don't find the answer on your question but it is a first step to a new life. 2k21 is excellent year. My hard paid me off a little bit but it's not enought for me. Here I will write ideas and discribe my journey to my first million. Every step you can try on yourself. Let's GO TO A NEW WORLD WHERE WE WILL CHANGE THE GAME.
Peace in your home.
P.S. sorry for my English, I speak 4 leaguages and sometimes hard to give info not on your native language.