in #motivation7 years ago

As I raised my hand to slap sense into the person I was talking with, I thought to myself What will people who are oblivious of my reasons say? How will this affect my brand? And how will I explain to my mum if I get rusticated? With these thoughts running through my mind, I took a deep breath, put my hands in my pocket and walked away.

What happened? You may wonder.

I'll tell you.

I was telling this young man about how someone we knew was not only a first class student but was doing something that was about to go global; and how I was thinking of making him my friend so that I could learn from him.

And out came this unexpected response. These are his exact words "I am far above, what can he teach me. I can't be friends with an unbeliever, no matter what he has and does, I am better than him"

I couldn't believe my ears, because I knew he was not doing so well with his academics and he had not accomplished anything outstanding at the time. So I asked him why he thought he was better than this unbeliever. Then he dropped the second bombshell "I am a believer and he is not!"

"That's all?" I asked, and he said "Yes"

Now, can you understand my anger?

As I walked away I thought about how many people are trapped in this kind of thinking without even knowing it. How they get comfortable with mediocrity just because they are believers.

Here is an example that gets me thinking all the time:

Years ago before the internet was invented, Bishop David Oyedepo, a man that I love, prophesied that he would preach from one spot and it would be heard all over the world at the same time. He also said he saw himself in wings taking the gospel to every part of the world.

He said other things that have become realities today.

When he said these words, everyone shouted amen and went to pray. While they prayed and others fought over things like doctrine, trousers, earrings, tithing etcetera, someone somewhere conceived the idea of creating the internet and made his prophecy a reality.

One guy created YouTube and now bishop speaks from one spot and we can watch him worldwide. Someone also thought about making private jets, (one costs 12.6 billion naira by the way) and today he flies around the world preaching the gospel.

These people my friend was so happy to call unbelievers, made billions from something we, the believers heard first and all we do is say we are better because we are believers instead of creating things like our creator.

Please, don't get me wrong. It is awesome being a believer - I am one, and it's the best decision I have ever made. It's awesome being a prayer warrior (I pray and I know it works wonders) but if that is our only contribution to life then we are children and we do not exactly differ from the so called unbelievers.

"Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all" Galatians4:1

Friends, I know you might be angry or may not even agree with some things I have said here, and that's OK, but at the end of your anger, don't be a big boy or girl only in church, because it is by your seed that all the ends of the earth are supposed to be blessed.

You're not saved to pray and prepare for heaven alone, you're supposed to occupy and dominate till He comes.

Your pastor's prophecy is not a prayer point, it's a business plan.
If he says thousands will be employed this month, don't just say amen and go and sit down doing nothing. If you do, these hardworking unbelievers and atheists will get so rich, he'd employ those thousands like you who sit around doing nothing, because his words cannot return void.

Go and create!

You're the light of the world, start thinking of the next big idea. Think global, get into the global conversation. Ask your self if I get in the same room with Jeff bezzos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Dangote, and they ask me to speak what will I say?

Remember it is by your fruits we know who you really are, not by your bragging.

Chinedu Mogor writes that you may know, and by your results you may become better known to your world.

Have a productive and blessed week and you should totally always finish what you start.

© Chinedu Mogor.

#motivationalmonday #gettowork #iconfess #ThisPieceMayGetYouveryAngryButYouWillEndUpThinking #iamshamelessKolly 20171126_080124.jpg