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RE: #Wedenesday Quote - Change Your Thinking

in #motivation7 years ago

Can you do what others can? I mean, can you really do it right now, right at this moment? If you want to be like others, say a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, you must have to go through the learning process that they have done to be where they are. Yes, you probably can but does time and resources allow?

Can a girl who lost her voice permanently sing? Can a boy stricken with lifetime illness who can never play basketball again reach his dream as a basketball player? He will never get well.

There is a limit to what we can do. BUT. What talents and skills we have, we can be so much more. Cultivate those and improve on them. Keep getting better than the person you are yesterday or the day before. Know yourself a little better each day. Focus on what you can do. There is so much more potential in you that you have to discover.