Are We Millennials addicted to Dopamine?

in #motivation7 years ago

I'm a millennial through and through. I don't identify with governments (different from being proud of your country), I love technology a lot, and I believe in the power of people.

Our generation is ridiculously smart. No, I'm not bragging. It's one of our strongest points. We are extremely well informed and well traveled because the world is significantly smaller than in previous times.


One of our major drawbacks is our attention span. I struggled with focusing for a long time. Millennials grew up in a world where big events happened quickly and often. Is it any wonder that Millennials are said to be "breaking this, disrupting that" by the older generations? We want things instantly.

This can have a negative side effect when it comes to our minds. Our minds are framed for quick results and quick satisfaction. In turn, our lives and careers can suffer greatly when it comes to persistence and patience.

Millennials, we have to dig in and show persistence when we face difficult challenges. If we don't, we'll always be victim to quick meaningless dopamine hits that prevent us from accomplishing major goals.



Our generation definitely wants to get to the facts quicker and questions a lot more. I hope that our generation can continue doing great things and pass it on to the next!