Where we go; our responsibility or fate

in #motivation7 years ago

When the question of what we wanted to do after graduation was asked in my class, there was a cool silence for several minutes. I sat there watching on inquisitively, hoping to see the first volunteer to no avail. The lecturer finally had to take the question back which I think made him a bit sad. I did not volunteer because , I read a book by Brian Tracy ( Goals) weeks ago in which I learned that out of 100% of university graduates, only 5% have goals after graduation. Which explained why others succeeded massively whereas others are left unemployed or probably settle for jobs less than their certificates.

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I wanted to see whether this survey applied to all universities or not. And truly, it did. Lots of them were actually like, I know I'm supposed to study hard , get good grades and get a good job. But they were not been specific about their goals.

The big question is, do we attend school because our parents have sent us there or do we attend school because we see our friends in school?
We as the 21st century generation have the power to change anything and make the world a better place around us. We do not have to innovate robots zombies or make new machinery to make the world a better place to live. The world needs people that can think critically, creatively, innovatively and independently to make lives better.

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This can not be achieved if we don't have goals as individuals. All we need is to have a goal in everything we are doing. Even if it is selling ice cream on the street. We all can be witnesses to the fact that those that have goals after joining this great platform @steemit are able to build more follows than those that don't . Your goal is like the sun that illuminate the road ahead of you. It allows you to see light at the end of the tunnel. Do not just live like everyone else, existing.
As Oscar Walde ones said;

" To live is the rarest thing, most people just exist".

Your goals should not be only long term but also short term goals. The foundation of your long term goals are laid by your short term goals. Your short term goals is what will propel you towards your long term goal.
Let's ask ourselves, if you don't have a strong foundation, how do you build a strong building? Don't allow nature to decree to you where you are going. But be the captain of your dreams and the master of your goals so as to command where you go in life.

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I will like to summarized a few guide to goal setting below. In just three sentences.

  • Be specific about your goal. Look around you, what is it that you like doing or will like to do. This will guard you to knowing what you want out of life. Write it down on a paper or on anything you think you can always make reference to if you go sightly off track.
  • Develop your plan of action towards attaining your set goal. You should have a plan of action for this will enable you know what you should be doing at every specific time. It gives you a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Put in the daily work and commitment required each and every single day. Is not about the hours you put into a work that really matters, but the effort your put in those hours is what makes it count.
    Note: Must people don't achieve their goals because they don't take persistent action. For instants, you can not just plant a tree today and expect it to grow in a week time. Is impossible. You have to take the daily effort in watering it each day. Try to take persistent action and no obstacle can stand on your path to success. Live your life to accomplished and not to accompany. Thanks for reading. Have a bless night steemians.
