Lessons for newbies #1 The multiple of life.

in #motivation7 years ago

" Do not fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today"
Starting on steemit can be a real frustrating thing one can not possible imaging. You will post very great articles and yet never get noticed. If you don't have someone to motivate or guide you, you will think that you are not good enough and steemit is not worth of your time. I experienced this massive frustrating a week back when I posted an article for two days, I and my brother @ehmkannde where the only ones who upvoted with 13 views. So I was like , why is this happening to me and that was when @ehmkannde advised and gave me some tips to get started. It feels great to always have a guardian like you bro. With this, I thought it wise to also share my experience with others going through the same dilemma to help them settle. For the pass few weeks, I have really worked very hard , reading tons of articles just to understand more about how this steemit blockchain works and possible how to amass a lot of follows and build my reputation as well. This is my first lessons for newbies.

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When we link numbers to human characters, we will realize that they exhibit some uniqueness that we often do not notice. But when we sit down to think deep about it, there, we will get to realize that every number is special in its own way. Let me quickly ask you a question. Have you ever tried relating this numbers to the community around you? Well if no then is good that you have pass by my blog today. I will take you through how numbers are related to you and the people around you on steemit.

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If steemians where to be numbers. I think everyone would have accused zero and one. Because any number that is multiplied by zero gives zero. Zero will bring down numbers to nothing. There are some people you have followed now on steemit who are like number zero, if you associate with them no matter how great your value is they will bring you down to zero. These are people that never see the seed of greatness planted in you. Their idea of support to you is to remind you of what can't be done and should not be attempted. They are what we call the external obstacles. When you notice them, don't try to depend on them for assistance. Believe that what you are doing can see light with or without their help.
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They will try as much as they can to squeeze the little they want out of you. Instead of helping you settle, they will make sure they frustrate you entirely. And you will find it easy to talk yourself into quitting. But you know what, you shouldn't just be on this platform because a friend who is also trying to find his way introduced you. But define your purpose for being here and stick to it. Forget about the upvotes you get for each article and focus on how many actually view your write-ups and comments made. By so doing, you will realize that the number of people that views your article increases daily as well as your follows.

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How about one? Any number multiplied by one remains unchanged no matter how big it is. There are some people in life that are like one, no matter how they touch your life you remain the same, you don't grow nor improve. You remain at the same level with them. This type of people are better than the zero type. They have no idea as to how to support you and help you climb. Though sometimes they may try to help, but their support will never add anything to your life. Have you notice that, newbies are the most active in terms of upvoting than any of the other class of people on here. For instants the Kings, queens , whale etc on this platform only upvote and support articles they deem worth supporting. Surprisingly, the newbies upvotes are tantamount to 0.00 sbd which adds no value to your articles. They have no idea of how to support you for they are also still struggling to settle. But don't be discouraged that you not been noticed for now. Stick to your long term goals and keep doing you and I tell you that, one day you will be discovered and the upvote on your articles will fascinate you. But don't forget to always learn from people and also the new trends and adopt to them.
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What kind of person are you in others life and whom do you chose to support on steemit?
We all know what we want out of this wonderful platform. If your goal here is not improving or making someone else life better, is not worth leaving. Lets associate ourselves with winners. Lets try not to be selfish but rather selfless and together we can grow as a community and not as individuals.
Thanks for reading.
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fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today" starting on steemit can be a real frustrating thing one can not possible imaging.

Exactly, which makes it difficult for starters to get to the top