in #motivation7 years ago

Have you ever wondered what life would be, or would have been like if you read more, loved yourself more, made good use of opportunities, prayed more, lived more, made good use of your time, focused more on your strengths, believed more? The African mentality is built on believing in having enemies and having too much competition and this gives us excuses to fail. Just like saying, you blame the devil for every bad action you do because you believe the devil is up to no good, when in reality you have the power to resist. A man will wake up and pray: oh God my father, deal with any power that doesn't want me to be rich. But in reality, he wakes up at 10 am and watches tv through out the whole day. No discipline, no aim, no life. You complain about your government and how there's no job or food. Yet you don't have a voter's card and show ignorance towards politics or government. What are you doing for yourself? YOU were given the power of choice and you determine how far you go.
As far as i'm concerned, your life is in your hands. You decide, you can choose to be good, you can choose to be great, you can choose to have all you want, you can choose to believe what is not true, you can choose to fail, you can choose to be happy. Life is choice. What are you doing to yourself today? What choices are you making?

Some people have not fully discovered their potential, some people do not even know what they carry, some people haven't even mastered control of their thoughts. Some are still struggling because they refused to grow physically, mentally, socially, psychologically and spiritually. Whatever one tells them, they do. they do what others are doing because they are successful.Some people do not understand the power of positive thinking, the power of determination, the power of knowledge.

When we fail, we blame the devil, or time for being too fast or slow, or life for giving us such difficult challenges, or teachers for not teaching well, or our parents for not being there every time. All these excuses are blinding people from seeing that the real problem is with them.

What do you do with your spare time?

How many books do you read?

How well are you boosting your IQ?

How well do you motivate yourself to do what you do best?

How flexible is your mind set?

What exactly do you want to do with your life?

You keep up with the Kardashians, are you keeping up with the right attitude?

Are you doing what you're doing because it's your passion or because another man succeeds at it?

What are you doing about improving your life?

How are you handling difficult situations?

Life is not a bed of roses, in fact roses have thorns but they do not use that as an excuse not bloom. I have met a few category of people who do not realize how bad they hinder themselves.

  • Those who have let past mistakes control their future. They have basically stopped themselves from growing. They kill their joy and happiness, because they believe they do not deserve anything good.
  • Those who have let fear rule them. They are too scared to try new things, too scared to fall, too scared to take risks and even too scared to think outside the box. They do not live to their full potential.
  • Those with fixed point of views. If this way doesn't work, there's no way it will ever work. If you don't have a degree, your life has ended. Their beliefs are fixed. They do not intend to evolve. Where they are today, is the same place they were years ago.
  • Those with negative mind sets. They do not believe in themselves enough, the love others more than they love themselves.
  • Those who are ignorant and careless. They are quicker to give excuses for failure. They are the "whatever happens" kind of people. They have no value for time, and know not the value of life

No one has an excuse for failure, you let yourself fail. No one can make decisions for you. No one can motivate you unless you choose to be motivated. No one can love you more than you love yourself. No one can give you true happiness if you're not happy with yourself. No one can live your life for you and no one will definitely take the blame for your inability to succeed. Failure is a one man thing.


I want you to understand that you have the power to allow, or dis-allow influence. Understand that what ever you do now, deciphers where you'll be tomorrow. You will not win all the time. In fact, you will fall so hard at one point and things will be discouraging. Only then will you know the measure of your strength and passion. Your life depends on the choices you make today; either to stand up and fight, or cower in silence.

  • BELIEVE in yourself
  • LOVE yourself
  • Expose your mind to learn new things. Engage in new activities, Read new books, expand your IQ.
  • Be a goal setter. know what you want from life and try all positive ways you can achieve your aims.Learn to be persistent, not giving up easy.
  • Accept new ideas, learn to be flexible.
  • Take time to pray for yourself
  • Procrastination will only stop you from doing the right things at the right time, do it now and stop delaying. It will work out fine.
  • motivate yourself to do better than before. Pick yourself up when you fall and don't wait for others to dust off the dirt from you. You are your own back up. Be self dependent.

  • Be yourself. Once you become another person, you have missed the whole point of being in existence, because you have made yourself a shadow of another person. Do your own unique thing.



Amazing! I loved reading this, as harsh as it is! Most people do not want to go further in life because there is no pressure on them to. Most people are comfortable and have exactly what they need. It takes minimal effort to merely get by and it seems a TON of people are good with that. If they decide to make changes, eventually they will be met with resistance and easily give in. If there is no pressure to be great, the person won't be. That pressure needs to come from within and unfortunately most people just are not bold enough. Keep spreading your message and inspiring others!!!

you are right. I need to write on the power of pressure. Thanks for reading through.

An excellent article. What you have said is very true. With that I would add a few things from my experience and observation. When we are young, we have a lot of ideas and energy, but unfortunately most of us are not courageous enough and/or not knowing ourselves enough to pursue those ideas. Then when we have family responsibilities, we are so busy that all we can do is day to day survive. And then we get older we have more knowledge, self-knowing, etc. Would be so good, I know for me, I have often thought if only I knew this or that when I was younger.... I am not meaning this as an excuse, just kind of reality. There is far too much blame in our world. We need to take responsibility for our own actions, see how we have affected consequences and learn to do better. Anyway, I really like your article. I don't know your age, but am thinking you are a younger person with a lot of wisdom.

i understand your point of view a lot. At least you believe in taking responsibility for our actions. I like that! i will be nineteen in July. The reason for my wisdom is attached to how much i read. Thanks for reading through.

Good to see someone so young into this kind of information. The world needs more of you.

I like this part
"When you fail you blame the devil"
The truth of the matter is that we are to be blamed for everything going wrong, we are to blame ourselves for everything, as a matter of fact ignorance is the devil, you failed be you were ignorant. And about being yourself, you cannot be good at 100meters and decide to run marathon, everyone has thier track and knows where they are heading to, when you try to be like someone you gas out on the way and one the harm is done you've missed it.
So persons just gats understand this

you hit the spot bro

Beautiful piece kivar, weldone👏👏👏👏👏

The truth is usually bitter, you've rightly stated it. We love comfort zones and that's usually a deterent to our development. Thanks for this

ya welcome hon. Thanks for reading through

All the points made in this post are on point. Well done ma'am @kivar

awwwn, thanks for reading through

Thanks for your sharing!

Happy steeming and enjoy your day.