“Be the change you want to see”.

in #motivation7 years ago

“Be the change you want to see”.

The famous quote by the most famous personality who had a great impact on the country and the quote doesn’t go unheard by any Indian I guess. He motivated and inspired the masses. The man who fought for our freedom by non-violence. The man with the motto “ahinsa”. None other than the greatest “Mahatma Gandhi”. What does this quote actually mean?

It means the changes you want outside you, inculcate the same within yourself first. Don’t expect change from the society if you yourself not ready to be flexible.

I will try to make it clear by narrating a short story:

There once lived a saint who used to preach his disciples. He used to give life lessons and people from far approached him for advices. Once a lady came to him complaining that his son used to eat too much of jaggery on daily basis and that the saint should advice him of gettig rid of this habit of his son. The saint ended up by saying: Visit me after a week. Reason being the saint had the same habit. And he couldn’t advice others of the habit he had himself. The lady came back after a week and the saint adviced his son to get rid of this habit. When the lady asked why he delayed he explained the whole thing.

I guess this story pretty much explains the moral viz. , “Change yourself first, then expect others to change”.

Many a times, we feel that people around us are silly, ignorant, careless and not empathetic to our needs. But why do we expect people to be like we want them to be? Why not change ourselves in the first place? You can’t force a habit into someone but you can always start with yourself.

If we want to see Clean India, why not start with getting rid of throwing waste here and there and if we are not throwing why not start with picking up.

We live in a country where the uneducated pick up the waste thrown by the educated. We just want to bring a change where we ourselves are too blind to see we need to change too.

Every little drop of water amalgamates for an ocean to be formed. Similarly every individual’s efforts count. Instead of advising others to change we should first start with our own self.

Be it the country, person or any other thing that we want to be changed, we should begin with ourselves and not expect it from the other side.

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