in #motivation7 years ago

Comfort Zone is a thing that we need to break out of in order to step into our greatness (which awaits us).  This is often the barrier between where we are and where we would be, the problem is that we want to get to that place as comfortably as we possibly can and that just will happen.   https://www.makeuseof.coIm/tag/step-outside-comfort-zone-crush-fears/

You must understand that risk is the ledge that gives winners the edge. You have to break out of your comfort zone, because life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Did you get?

Many times, we are in a comfort zone and we want to stay there.  Nevertheless, if we are going to have a breakthrough and accomplish great things we must come out of our comfort zones. Most people, not just young people, but middle -aged people as, would rather be the best of the worst than the worst of the best.  In other words, they will like to be the best person in a group. They do this so they can feel comfortable and feel good because they're at the top of everything. Instead of being the best of the worst, be the worst of the best, and that will raised your skill level immensely. 

You have to come out of  your comfort zone to experience a breakthrough. Outside of your comfort zone is not fun but it is rewarding in the end. Imagine a football Player who gets the ball and the opposing team just moves out of his way so he can run a touchdown. That would actually destroy the very essence and point of the game. Without opposition, anyone can run down the field, but it would be meaningless.

Please get this!  Powerful people have learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable - why?  Because we usually Only grow and accomplish things when we are uncomfortable. You have to get to the place that you do not mind being put into uncomfortable place or position because that is where your hidden greatness will surface. A grain of sand in an oysters is very uncomfortable, but in the end,  it forms into a beautiful pearl of great beauty and worth. Put a speaker on the spot and often, they will give you their best speech.  Here is why, when you put on the spot,  speakers speak from their heart (source of power)  instead of their head (Source of thought). I have since learned to speak from both my head and my heart for optimum effectiveness.

Comfort Zone

I used to have a comfort zone, where I knew I could not fail.  The same four walls and busy works were really more like jail. I  longed so much to do the things I'd never done before,  But I Stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor. 

I said it didn't matter that I wasn't doing much. I said  I didn't care for things like diamonds,  car, or such. I claimed to be so busy with the things Inside my zone. But deep inside I longed for some sweet victory of my own. 

I couldn't let my life go by, just watching others win. I held my breath and stepped outside to let the change begin. I took a step, and with a strain I'd never felt before, I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door.

If  you are in a comfort zone afraid to venture out, Remember that all winners at one time were filled with doubt, A step or two and words of praise can Make your dreams come true, So greet your future with a smile, success is there for you!                                          -Author Unknown  

A great leader and orator said to the people, " Come to the edge." They responded, " We are afraid we may fall. "He said with more vigor,  "Come to the edge. " They replied, "We are afraid." He replied with a loud,  deep, commanding voice, "Come to the edge now! " So, they came. He pushed them, and to their surprise, they grew wings on the way down, and they flew.


I broke out of my comfort zone a few years ago.
The beginning is always difficult, but you find your rhythm step by step. Just make sure that you are willing to do this and to head on.

Nice idea

I truly believe in The energies of the comfort and uncomfortable variations in life! Coming from Alaska and being an entertainer is challegening. Once I reached the ceiling back home I had to decide how I could passionately move forward in the direction to my progression. Atlanta and traveling beyond my boarders would be my result of true uncomfort because all I’ve ever known was there family etc... let alone great paying jobs... hence forward, I’m in Atlanta and I made great connections and my career hasn’t ever felt soo dreamy like as if I closed my eyes and was living my vision! Great post and thank you for sharing. I documented my journey, it’s on my blog!

Thanks dear

You're right @joagawu. We really need to break out of our comfort zones and be willing to take the risk to venture out.

Thanks for stopping by

Thanks for sharing

You are welcome

ha! totally agree but still am afraid to go out of my comfort zone. any practical guide for stepping out slowly or even radically? maybe on your next post? will follow!

Noted dear

Going out of one's comfort zone isnt easy.

Staying comfortably at your comfort zone is not easy either

Powerful people have learnt to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It sank deeply... Thanks @joagawu for sharing this.

You are welcome dear
Thanks for stopping by

Nice article, of a truth one cant make a better self while at his/her comfort zone. Thanks alot

Thanks dear

I never knew you have strong lyrical skills. Such a wonderful right up. Kudos!

Thanks dear