He came from the village. Go and sail to a country called the South. The lips covered in deep black lipstick with slightly embroidered eyebrows turned them into curls. Regret? Not at all written on his forehead. Because he knows that God's desire cannot be denied. And because he understands, that he came only to atone for one purpose: to kill longing.
He had planned a departure for a long time. Three last full moon, he left without slamming the door. In the yard of his house, he forgot to say hello. But with all the considerations he thinks: there must be a trace that is able to stain the abandoned house. So he wrote a letter. Leave it on the dining table. He knew that no one would return his greetings, especially reading the letter. Because he is alone, playing quietly. In a country called the North, he lives alone, without relatives or relatives.
In the South, in the corner of the city, there is a halllike place that is female. And he lives in it. He was stranded there, and lived side by side with city humans. He got the new house just by paying a gold necklace. How easy it is to find a place to live and get it without spending money.
One full moon. Two full moon. Until the third full moon, in December, he was no more than a homeless person there. Does not work. Life is alone and unclear. The money he brought from the village was almost gone. Skinny gnawed at his body. He was confused about what to do. A job will be hard to come by if you only have the desire to work. And in the end, on a dim night, right on the eve of the year, he repeated the illicit relationship he once had. He sold his genitals to the man who owned one of the magnificent buildings in the South. From then on he got a job. The man offered a place for the sellers of the body called Jalan Eve. The place is not far from the house he occupies. And destiny makes it a curse. There is no consideration. No doubt. He must choose the dark path. But the decision is not the main goal he came there. But - once again - he came with the aim to kill longing. Then he must stay alive so that he can perform the ritual.
In the world of censure, he recognized other curses that had wings on their backs. He is still stunted and has no wings. By having wings, curls can fly freely and bring their customers to visit one of the world's paradise. He wants that wing. But not to be a productive curler. Instead it wants to make the wing one of the weapons to kill longs, in addition to a knife and a string of ropes that he has packed before.
One night on Jalan Hawa, he sat on a bench that was right in front of the entrance to the paradise of the world. He faithfully awaited the Adamites who passed that way. And with a teasing smile, he sang two magic words "Stop by, Mas!" He could whisper in his heart.
'This is a decree. I'm a curler, and this is also like fate. And I feel more holy than yesterday. Later in time, after this fragile body, I will chase you! I will finish you! '
Nobody will look for it. Nobody knows the secret. He discussed with his own heart, and agreed that he must complete himself as a pel * before killing a longing. He realized he would get a lot of experience from his work. And he also believed that with that experience, he would definitely find a place where he wanted to hide.
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