in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

How many of us understand that words are powerful?. Yea, words are really powerful! The power words carry transmutes into beliefs that shape our lives, moderate our behaviors and often times determine our outcomes in life. Don't you find that interesting? It might interest you to know that positive or negative words produce corresponding effects or results.

However, words have no effect on you unless you dwell on them. Interestingly enough, negative people will always exist. As a matter of fact, if your dreams or ambitions are as crazy or big as mine, expect that you will get more negative comments from people. This is because people badmouth whatever that is bigger than them
In other words, the moment people begin passing off destructive comments about you, it is only an indication that you are onto something great.

A Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, some decades ago, carried out an experiment to determine the power of words. In his experiment, he poured freshly cooked white rice into two separate glass jars, then he placed the lids of the jars carefully on them. He then moved on to make labels on two pieces of paper with the inscriptions "thank you" and "you are stupid" respectively. With the aid of a glue, he got these labels stuck on the bodies of these glass jars with the respective inscriptions. He took the glass jars to an elementary school classroom where he instructed the pupils to come out twice each day to call out the labels on the glass jars respectively, of course with the consent of the school authorities, for a period of thirty (30) days. Now, on the thirtieth day, this scientist came back for the result of his experiment; he realized that the content of the glass jar with the label "thank you" had turned fluffy and more attractive in appearance; meanwhile, when he checked the glass jar with the label " you are stupid", a dark mass was obtained. Please sorry for that boring story. But the point is words were equally spoken to the glass jars, but the nature of the spoken words played a determinant role in respect to the outcomes that were obtained. As long as you continually surround yourself with negative people, you should never expect any positive thing from them. And unless you deliberately get them kicked out of your life, you should never expect positive outcomes.

When words come or are spoken, they are just words. As we begin to dwell or ruminate over them, we confer on them the power with which they influence our outcomes in life. The simple mechanism is, when words are dwelt upon, a the old thought pattern is distorted and a new one is initiated or created. This inadvertently affects our belief system by replacing it with a new one. Don't forget, what you believe will always work for you. So, if your belief system is negative,, you should expect really negative results or outcomes in life and vice versa. What's your belief system right now?/You still can change it if you so desire.
Consequently, it is imperative that you know that most times it is not always about you. If you carry out a background check on negative people, you will come to realize that it is more about them; they only use you to mirror themselves. Their exposure could also be playing a contributory role. This understanding will help you s lot in your dealings with them. In fact, if you are as patient as I am, with this understanding, you might want to go the extra mile of praying for them. It is important I say this at this juncture: When praying for negative people, it is really important for you to avoid the three Cs(3Cs) which are, condemning them, criticizing them and complaining about them. This is the only way for your prayer for them to be effective!

Finally, you must also understand that no matter how observant or careful you are, there will always be negative people who say negative words to you. Hence the need for you to immune your mind preventively. To deal with negative words, it is important for you to develop a personal selective interpretation strategy that suits your individuality and purpose. For instance, when they say to me that it's impossible, I only smile. This is because through my personal interpretation strategy, I have come to realize that the word IMPOSSIBLE does not exist without the prefix "im". So what I do is, I separate the prefix "im" from the word "impossible", then I have " possible and im" standing separately. I then insert an apostrophe (') between the "I" and the "m" making the prefix "im". Now I have " I'm" instead "im" as my new prefix. I just return the isolated "possible* to the prefix and I have " I'm possible " as my new phrase. If I'm possible, there is therefore nothing "impossible" with "I'm possible". Did you get that? There are many more exaui can give but I want you to develop yours because it has to be personal or stereotypical to you.
Summarily, nobody can make feel less about yourself without your consent. Your consent is your sole right, the moment you lose it, you lose your power over you. It is therefore important you see yourself the way God sees you. He( God) said, " you are fearfully and wonderfully made." Anything that is not in line with this should be thrashed. He equally said "you were made in his image". You are therefore perfect because He(God) has a perfect nature. Anything witness contrary to this should be ignored. You must always see and affirm all that God has said about you. In this way you will always have a more rest of mind.

Remember: You must not give toxic people a habitat to inhabit else your life will become toxic!

Thanks for reading.


Nice write up i must say, keep the ball rolling,

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Hello Ikedichi

Remember: You must not give toxic people a habitat to inhabit else your life will become toxic!
I was glued and woahed with these words. They are truly powerful. I could obviously see within the lines of your content inspiration and I am glad you are moving higher. Thanks for sharing. I am motivated. U have jack me up to the next level. Thanks dear

Nicely Written 👏👏👏

Hmm. You really read all that?!
Thanks a lot for that. And i am glad i could do that.
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