in #motivation7 years ago

The only thing consistent in this world right now is change, but sometimes taking these bold steps of change can be challenging, significantly because of the fear of the unknown or probably we do not want to leave our comfort zone,we have gotten so used to it that we compromised and accepted a certain level, that is we settle for less but I can confidently let you know we can always go for the best, there is always a higher level, there is always something to achieve.
Some of us,have ideas that can lead to ground breaking inventions and innovations but we are holding back because we think the world doesn't need this idea, the fear of the unknown, but how wrong we are, the world need these ideas more than ever, no matter how small.
This is where it gets interesting because taking the first bold step in any new idea, decision, business, educational or life in general is the most difficult part, so if you are able to take that first step, them you are capable of achieving whatever it is.
For instance airplanes take off the ground with so much force, it breaks into the atmosphere and then steadies, landing doesn't take much force like taking off, that's how it is in life, if you can take that first step, it becomes relatively easier from there, even infants after taking their first step towards walking get better at it with time, as long as they can let go of fear and take that bold first step.
Some of us will think we are not prepared enough, but may I let you know, you can never be prepared enough for anything, learning is a process, if you take that first step everything you need to know will avail itself, and you get better at it with time.
I'm not saying if you take that first step it becomes all rosy, but then you must have made progress, gone from point A to point B, and who knows, it might just be the start of something new, shun fear, shun uncertainty and take that bold first step today.


Wow... Wonderful inspiring and insighful post..
Upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks mate

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That wouldn't be a problem