This life is not a competition and was never meant to be. Some people nowadays are so carried away with the success and achievements of others that they have abandoned their calling and the things that actually drive them to pursue other things just to be in the same league with other people. Comparing yourself with other people and wallowing in self-pity does not help you one bit. Success is good but don't be in any rush to attain it or else you risk losing all.
The fact that your friend is succeeding in a particular area doesn't necessarily mean you will succeed in that area too. We all have gifts and talents in different areas and it is in that discipline and area that your success and happiness lie. Once you suddenly leave your designated area and jump to another area in search of quick success, you have made a terrible choice that you may live to regret. You might succeed in that area but happiness is something you will not find in it.
Be patient in whatever you are doing especially that thing you are sure it was made for you. There are some things you just feel from within that you were born to do this. Hold on to such and don't let go even if it is not making any sense at the present moment. Even if your friends are all succeeding in different domains and you are left behind, hold on. It is not a race or competition, it is not about who gets there first. What is important is that you get there too and in fine fashion.
Celebrate with those that succeed and don't envy them or be jealous. For how can you be successful if you are not happy for those who are successful? How can you be celebrated if you don't celebrate others? Do unto others what you will like them to do to you. In Cameroon, we say, *"this life na turn by turn" *meaning everyone will have their turn of tasting success eventually. All you need to do is keep going and waiting patiently for your turn. Many lives, destinies and wonderful futures have been ruined because the holders lacked patience. They were in a hurry to succeed and got themselves into the wrong things.
Don't be one of such people.
Wait for your time.
It is coming...