Hello wonderful people, it has been a while on here, I just thought of dropping this, God bless you as you show love
BRAIN~ Improves Mood.
BACK~ Relieves Pain.
HIP~ Reduces Hip Fracture.
LEGS~ Lowers the danger of Blood Clot.
FEET~ Reduces the heap on Other Joints.
EYES~ Wards off Glaucoma.
HEART~ Lowers pulse and danger of Heart Attack.
ARM~ Strengthens Arm Muscles.
KNEES~ Keep Joints Lubricated.
I trust you've learnt some things. You don't generally need to carry on with a stationary way of life. Go out for a stroll... Get some breeze... Simply enable your body to move. Have a lovely Monday.
Much obliged such a great amount for perusing...
Till I come your way next time...
This made me realize, I don't do much walking nowadays. I should. :)
Smiles exactly!
Thanks for sharing your view