I'm Buddhist...we always trust word of "Lord Buddha" ....
I'm following all days my honor "Lord Buddha"s words and quotes....
Wel done my dear friend...
I think your have the knowledge about many religions...
I have one question...
What is your religion?...
"Tripple gems may Protect you"My dear friend @greatpath
Hi dinisanda, thanks for your nice comments. Buddha has many wise quotes and I respect him very much. I do not believe in any religion, because my parents are non religious and I grew up that way. I believe every human has the right to believe in what they want and to choose their own path:)
hey :)
I agree with your comment that human has the right to believe in what they want and to choose their own path.. But I wonder then you don't believe that there is a GOD and only GOD!!
I understand your life without religion because of your paresnts, but didn't you try to read the books of religions? .. Especilly Quraan, did you just try to read it.. I wonder also, if there is no GOD, then we are similar to animals, but this is not true, because we have a brain exceed animals brain, the human is a judjment sending form a GOD to earth to apply fair in everything.. Although there is some humans are evils in their doings ..
Forgive me but all those ideas came to my mind as soon as I read your comment and may I write to you again soon :)
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