Motivation- Why most people don't succeed.

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Everybody has the desire to do something but they don’t know how to complete the process of dedicating themselves and having the discipline to do it. If you got the desire, you got a match. Match that desire with your dedication, and you got to match it with your discipline. It may not happen at the moment that you wanted to, but you got to understand the process. Everybody wants it today.

What happen us, a lot of people set goals. And they have this big goal and they look at it like giant staircase “That just seems impossible, It looks too hard, It looks too much work” And they don’t ever start. They set a goal, “I want to be at the top of that staircase”. It’s easy to write that down but when they actually start climbing it, and they themselves as a terrible but if all you did was just look at the first step and get in that first step, and then when you’re on that step, just look at the next step. You have to understand that this is not going to be easy. People think that there are no challenges.21-important-lessons-from-failure.jpg

Most people want the convenience of transformation, without the inconvenience. What we do is we kind of check out because it feels overwhelming. We checkout because we are afraid or we checkout because we are listening to self-doubt and then we make these teeny tiny decisions all day long, we never realize it. A decision to not get up on time, a decision to not eat the right thing, a decision to snap at your kids, a decision to not speak in a meeting, a decision to not look for a job. Like, whatever it is, all day long these tiny decisions could take you so far off track. And then you wake up and you look at your life and you think :”How the hell did I get here?”
The reason why a lot of people won’t become who they want is because they’re too attached to who they’ve been. And you hear it all the time when people say: “I’ve always been this way.” Okay, well if that’s working for you then keep doing that.

Every single person who has ever done anything worthwhile or exceptional or difficult or extraordinary, anyone, whether it’s great artists or authors or mathematicians, or whoever it is, everyone encounters difficulties. There is no easy way road. When you come up with excuses for why other people are successful and you’re not, that is dangerous. When you give yourself and escape trust me, everybody has a hard road.

Your dream is only a dream until it has a plan. You can dream of the kind of life you want, You can dream of the kind of change you want, You can dream of the kind of future you want but until you wake up and begin to plan to get there or it will only be a dream. When you get up and you’re standing in front of the mirror, getting ready for the day, remind yourself that you are somebody that you are important and that you can make the change that will move you closer to your ideal future. The only key to regulating and controlling change is planning. If you don’t have a plan, you have no protection. A plan does not only tell you what you want to do. A plan tells you what you don’t want to do.
And so, the key to success, in your journey through this planet, is to have a clear plan.