Save money or spend money you think that's the more correct way of life?

in #motivation11 months ago

What will sustain every finances is when the person have a very well disciplined way of spending money and it actually comes from when the person have a budget. Some people mindset have really been wrong and that is why they always believed that every money they receive is always meant to be spent and spent.

That is why some people keep finding themselves spending their future away without any consideration which should not be so. The correct way to life is you saving money and not spending money.


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Mind you there will always be urge for you to keep spending and spending but you will actually be the one that will discipline yourself. There is so much of benefits that happens to you when you actually save money which I will definitely be pointing out to you actually. One of the first advantage of saving money is the fact that you have the what I called the emergency funds. Emergency funds helps you to attend to expenses that you don't even plan at first instances.

Secondly, it helps you to track your expenses and have you to have a disciplined way of spending as required. You really need to understand that everything that matters on this life is based on discipline. You should disciple yourself to always spend and save and not just spend all the money.

We should always have this mindset that it will not always be green. There will be times we will have in abundance and there will actually be times we will have in scarcity and that is why we need to actually discipline ourselves to make sure that we spend and we actually save. If we don't save during the time of abundance, when the time of less abundance comes, you will not have anything that will actually bail you out.

Once again, the correct way of living is for you to actually save and not just spend everything as it comes. Discipline yourself to always save and in a matter of time you will see the Manifestation of the result. Don't spend all your money away so that your future will not suffer for it.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️