The size and scope of your goals will increase proportionately with your self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, you will attract negative influences that will prevent you from reaching your goals.
Take a look at the clients you are dealing with or the relationships in which you are involved. The fact is that you will always associate with people
you feel worthy of being with. This includes your friends as well as your clients if you are in business.
Take a look at your material possessions. You draw to yourself that which you feel you are worthy of receiving - the car you drive, the clothes you wear, the home you live in.
The total quantity and quality of your life is determined by your self-esteem or self-worth.
What kind of labels are you putting on yourself?
Each one of us has dozens, perhaps hundred of labels we have given ourselves during our lifetime. “I'm a good manager, I'm assertive, shy, warm, friendly, stupid, short-tempered, hard to get along with, lazy or poor.”
Because we act like we see ourselves, these labels or opinions govern our behavior. Some of the labels are helpful. But in order to grow and
develop, some of the labels need to be changed.
Again, we must be careful how we talk to ourselves. The problem is that whatever self-image we have accepted puts a ceiling on the use of our potential. That ceiling has no relationship to our ability to use our potential.
But we can only act or perform like the person we see ourselves to be. We must deliberately take control of our self-talk, or it will control us.
The opinions or labels we have of ourselves cannot be totally erased because they are stored in our subconscious memory, but they can be displaced through self-talk.
The new positive message will then become our dominant opinion. And we always act in accord with our dominant opinion or belief.
The most important reason for changing our image when we are dissatisfied with our performance in a particular area is that our self-
image controls our performance.
Our behavior is automatic. Until we change the picture we have of ourselves, we will automatically continue to reenact the same performance. Our self-image regulates the use of our potential.
Any time we move away from our self-image, anxiety and tension will set in, because we are constantly working to act like the self we perceive ourselves to be.
Our self-image is what we believe we are capable of doing right now.
This is a new week...
Let your self image reflect
Have a productive week ahead.
I love myself ayomide! thank you
With love,
harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist