Read and Do not Ruffle

in #motivation7 years ago


What else is this? We already know the parameters? We already know history? And we've learned, bener not? Okay, so anything that has happened in this country and it can not be accepted, then it will not be acceptable. Point! (Wait, if the writing is still ...)

Various kinds of problems. There's a hoax. There is a question of PKI - which is better not to mention mention - and so forth.

I always think how to understand and understand the principles and values ​​of this nation. We have many sources to explore and make a hold to fortify ourselves from the attacks of ignorant men, whether from the ideological side or other latent propaganda. They can be from our religion, our culture, and the values ​​of nationalism.

The problem is, it is very risky if we do not have a fortress in the form of these principles. This is difficult, which in fact is very dangerous for our wholeness. Because of the inequalities of the principle, disunity can also occur. One party relies on this, the other party relies on it. So it must return to the collective principle, which is a conventional provision which is our collective agreement.

Indeed we do not face anyone. We are not against strangers out there, but against brothers who have been brainwashed, the way they think, so that the principle of life is no longer the same and in line with us. Actually it is more appropriate to say they are victims. Your countryman is not an enemy. And the word "fight" here is not muzzle them. "Against" is meant to fight the diseases that exist in his mind, which will further divide the Indonesian nation so that later no longer mengindonesia. So, not the man. Unless you do not want to be Indonesian anymore, please go out and find acceptable residence to satisfy the demands of the devil that are in you.

So if he said the LGBT issue is going to be dealt with, it is indeed appropriate. We return to our principles earlier. Their behavior is acceptable not in this country? If the answer is no, then that means it is very clear.

Persoalan kemanusiaan memang harus dihargai. Manusianya harus dihargai dan tidak ditindas martabatnya. Tapi, di mana-mana pasti ada sesuatu yang mesti masuk daftar intoleransi. Kalau ada suatu ideologi yang tidak dapat diterima di sini, ya itu tidak boleh. Kalau ada perilaku menjijikkan yang tak sepantasnya, ya itu tidak boleh. Kita tahu itu. Apalagi kalau kita membaca sejarah, yang artinya juga mempelajari kembali apa sudah terjadi sehingga hal itu tidak terulang lagi. Ini kan harus dan mesti? Orang yang terputus pengetahuannya dari sejarah, atau tak mau tahu sejarah, ini yang gawat.

Bukannya mempelajari sejarah itu sama artinya dengan mempelajari diri kita sendiri? Sifat-sifat manusia kan selalu sama dari dulu. LGBT, korupsi dan lain sebagainya, itu bukan hal baru yang nongol belakangan hari atau beberapa jam yang lalu. Itu sudah terjadi dari dulu. Gimana coba kalau kita tak mau tahu dengan keburukan pada diri kita sendiri? Mau dibilang separah apa lagi? Pada siapa lagi kita mau berkaca kalau bukan pada orang lain? Makanya, ngaca! Ngaca!

Membaca sejarah kan sama artinya dengan mempelajari manusia. Apapun peristiwa sejarah yang pernah terjadi, maupun dalam konteks sosial apapun, permasalahan sejarah itu kan terlepas dari peran manusianya. Bagaimana kita mencegah supaya peristiwa buruk dalam sejarah tak pernah lagi terjadi kalau bukan dengan mempelajarinya? Apalagi kalau urusannya dengan agama, yang jelas ada keterkaitannya dengan Tuhan. Kayak bangsanya Nabi Luth, misalnya. Atau kayak kota Pompeii yang masih jelas sisanya.

Apa itu hanya sebuah bencana alam semata yang tak ada relevansinya dengan perbuatan manusia? Saya kira apapun yang terjadi pasti ada keterkaitannya dengan kita. Manusia, alam, dan Tuhan sebagai Dzat yang mengatur maupun yang menghendaki terjadinya suatu peristiwa di muka bumi, adalah kesatuan integral. Padahal kita memahami hukum kausalitas. Buat apa Tuhan membuat hukum sebab-akibat kalau bukan supaya kita mudah memahami suatu peristiwa dengan logika nalar kita?

Maaf kalau agak membelok. Tapi tak seharusnya kita melupakan keburukan yang pernah dilakukan manusia. Kalau soal kebaikan, silahkan dilupakan, tak usah diingat-ingat. Tapi, dari mana lagi kita akan belajar kalau suatu keburukan dilupakan? Manusia-manusia ahistoris itulah yang tak mau tahu. Saya kira ini juga faktor besar yang mempengaruhi banyaknya manusia yang berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi, di samping persoalan kepentingan individu dan golongan.

Soal LGBT, soalnya saya pernah melihat sendiri bagaimana perilaku mereka. Walaupun itu beberapa tahun yang lalu. Pernah ngerasain dikejar-kejar bencong? Pernah ngerasain ditelepon bencong? Itu menjijikkan. Lha, kalau tidak diperbolehkan saja sampai sebegitunya, terus gimana kalau diperbolehkan? Saya jelas merasa hina kalau tiba-tiba dicolek atau dilirik-lirik oleh sesama laki-laki di depan umum.

Humanity issues must be respected. The human should be respected and not be degraded by his dignity. But, everywhere there must be something that must enter the list of intolerance. If there is an unacceptable ideology here, yes it should not be. If there is an abhorrent disgusting behavior, yes it should not be. We know that. Especially if we read the history, which means also to re-learn what has happened so that it does not happen again. This should be and should be? People who are disconnected from history, or do not want to know history, this is the worst.

Rather than studying history is tantamount to studying ourselves? Human nature is always the same from the first. LGBT, corruption and so forth, it's not a new thing that sticking out lately or a few hours ago. It has happened from the first. How to try if we do not want to know with the bad on ourselves? Want to say what else? Who else do we want to look in the mirror if not somebody else? So, ngaca! Ngaca!

Reading history is the same as learning human beings. Whatever historical event has ever occurred, nor in any social context, the historical problem is detached from its human role. How can we prevent bad events in history from ever happening if not by studying them? Especially if its affairs with religion, which obviously has to do with God. Like the people of the Prophet Luth, for example. Or like the city of Pompeii is still clear the rest.

Is it just a natural disaster that has no relevance to human actions? I think whatever happens there must be something to do with us. Man, nature, and God as the Essence that governs and desires the occurrence of an event on earth, is an integral unity. And we understand the law of causality. Why should God make the law of cause and effect if not so that we may easily understand an event with the logic of our reasoning?

Sorry if somewhat bend. But we should not forget the ugliness that humans have done. If the matter of kindness, please be forgotten, do not keep in mind. But where else will we learn if a vice is forgotten? Those ahistoris men do not want to know. I think this is also a big factor affecting the number of people who do damage on earth, in addition to issues of individual and group interests.

About LGBT, because I've seen for myself how their behavior. Although it was a few years ago. Ever ngerasain pursued bencong? Ever ngerasain ditece bencong? That's disgusting. Lha, if it is not allowed to get it as soon as possible, what if allowed? I obviously feel humiliated if suddenly poked or glimpsed by fellow men in public.

Imagine if we allow them. The issue of sexual harassment against women is still a lot, continue to be added if one more harassment against men? Not! Not! Not allowed! We must look in the mirror instead of ruffling. The representatives of the people should also agree with the people. If anyone gives a way for them (whoever it's human), I wonder, they never do not feel nasty behavior like that? Or maybe there are those who feel disgusted dianu-anuin so? Why, how can I not be disgusted? Or maybe ...



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