HardWork➡️ Sufferings➡️ Dedication➡️ Perseverance➡️ SUCCESS♨️

in #motivation8 years ago

This is my story here👇

The success which everyone talks about around you. I have had a bite of it:
And it tastes awesome
Today I'll be sharing my success story :


To understand this first one should be clear about what success is?
It differs from person-to-person
For me it was to get a reputed government job by competing with 18-20 lakh students for just a limited number of seats.
This ultimately was to make my parents feel proud of me.
For you it can be something else!

So how it all began.

It was July, 2014 when I graduated from a reputed college with a professional degree.
With so much burden to perform in this competitive world and to secure a job in private sector was a tough task.

I gave many interviews and got an offer letter from most of them.
That was not sufficient :
300$/month to survive in a metro city was not at all enough.

Then I decided to go for government services by competing with around 18lakh students.
But mind it.
This was not at all an easy task as government jobs require lots of Patience and Perseverance in India.

The process is too slow with 3 stages of exam.
And one has to perform very good in all the stages.
I gave all my efforts day in day out...
And performed well in my first stage.
After that I suffered from dengue and all my efforts went in vain. I couldn't perform well even after studying 16 hrs daily for 2 months.
Then I decided not to give up and again started from beginning in 2016 and with all my efforts and struggle I achieved my goal.

In between this I joined this amazing platform.
It gave me a lot of financial help and reduced my burden.

Now I am having an officer level job in my pocket.
And it feels great.
No worries
No pain
Happiness all around

So this is why I can say that success tastes awesome and we should not give up till we achieve our target.
The path may be difficult full of struggles and pain but the results are always worth all that struggle

God bless all


Congratsss...god bless u..😊

Thank you di

Great post! Glad you didn't give up!

thank you for sharing :)

Great patience and efforts did by you my dear, i Saw you sometimes in between,
All the best for your future and and once again congratulations...