Motherhood the Second Time Around

in #mother7 years ago

IMG_5582.JPGIt's been 26 days since we welcomed our new little one into our family. Neya was due December 8th but as I suspected she was late. On the evening of December 18th, I started to have contractions that I thought were Braxton Hicks. I called my midwife because the irregularity of the contractions became regular and I began to have them every five minutes. A few hours later Neya was made her grand appearance!

Prior to having Neya, we had our first son Luka. Like most families, your first child prepares you in many ways for the next child. Luka taught me how to change diapers in seconds and breastfeed
in public with confidence.

However many things are different with Luka and Neya. Luka came out the womb with supple skin and Neya was like a snake, her skin continuous peeling off. Luka to this day has not had a diaper rash but Neya is just getting over her allergy to the fragrance in the diapers. Neya when feed and rested is calm and quiet. While Luka did not seem comfortable until he was six weeks old!

Though I can only imagine how many other similarities and differences I will experience with my children. I know my love for them will continue to deepen in a way that is unimaginable.

What ways are your children the same or different?