The most embarrassing moment I ever had (Contest by @dandesign86)

HahaaaThank you @dandesign86 for this.... You're going to make a lot of us visit a story we probably never want to remember...

The most embarrassing day of my life

Well well.... It was one beautiful Wednesday afternoon.. I decided to go visit a friend, then hang out afterwards cuz i was feeling so bored..

I decided to wear a tight fitted dress that could bring out all my "curves"... I wanted to "slay" so bad...
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And really, as i stepped out... All heads turned. I felt so fly and walked with so much swagger with my dark sun shades on...

Sadly, i didn't have a car so i had to walk a distance before i could board a bike to take me to my final destination...

As i was walking, trying to avoid eye contact with the onlookers... My phone dropped and so i bent down to pick it up and theeeeen.... The worst thing happened...
As i bent down to pick it up, i just heard a "rip-rip" sound....


My dress tore. I wouldn't have felt that bad but because the boys in the hood noticed this and just bursted out in laughter, i was so ashamed of myself.. I wanted to cry so bad....
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I felt like i should sink into the floor. I couldn't run away and i couldn't go back home... I just stood in shame...

Luckily, a bike man came and from there... I just told him to hurriedly take me to my friend's house...

I called my friend so she was waiting for me at the entrance of her house with a wrapper to cover me up....

I felt so embarrassed even to go back home that day... I made sure i went home late at night and i tried my best not to go anywhere again for about a week...

Until the whole embarrassing situation would've wiped away from the minds of the guys in my neighbourhood....


I laugh in Chinese

😂 😂 😂 😂
Oh my!!! I can just imagine your face

Lol...i can inagine the situation. Take heart dear

Thank you ooo

Oh Lord.... Really???? It'll just be like d ground shld open

My sister....
That was exactly how I felt o....

Horrible experience I tell you

I wish I was there too

I wish I was there too


So you would've laughed at me too abi?
Bad belle people

That would be embarrassing!

Embarrassing was an understatement for the feeling I had that day.....



I know right?...

Hahahahahaha so sorry dear. Oya come...let me hug you...

Haha wow I can imagine that must have been embarrassing - but in retrospect it's definitely a funny story

Very funny i must say...Oh yes @dandesign86...


This can reduce one's self esteem