Mosque in the outline is a house or place of worship of Muslims. The mosque whose meaning is the place of prostration, and other names for mosques in Indonesia are musholla, langgar or surau dll. The names are intended for mosques that are not for Friday prayers, generally smaller in size or where they are not located in towns in the village.
Besides being used for places of worship, the mosque is the center of Muslim community life. And as for the activities of the big day celebrations, reciting, discussions, religious studies, lectures and studying the Qur'an are often held in mosques. Even in the history of Islamic civilization, the mosque is a place of social activities to the military.
First of all we determine the concept of the logo of the University of Malikussaleh, because a little information I studied at the University of Malikussaleh precisely majoring in Architecture, makadari that I use the logo because in addition can make a pride, also can tell to many people from where I come and competitiveness power students from Malikussaleh University.
The result of the teleportation of the logo above and we also need to know this is one example of the design concept of the Great Mosque, because it is planned in the area of the famous fruit of salaknya then I designed the mosque from seputaran bark.
Layout of the mosque
front look
side view
back view
looks worm eyes
looked hallway
visible from the gazebo
visible from the gazebo ladder
visible from the gazebo ladder
visible from the outside gate