Moslem : The attitude of a believer and a believer

in #moslem7 years ago

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Shaykh Bakr ibn Abdillah Abu Zaid rahimahullah concluded, from the legal differences that have been established by God, then there are three attitudes that we must take:

First, believe in and accept differences between men and women whether physical, psychic, or shar'i law, and should each be pleased with the nature of God and His statutes of law.

Secondly, it is not permissible for each of the men or women to desire something that God has dedicated to one of them in these legal differences and develop feelings of envy for each other due to these differences. Therefore God forbid that with His word,

ولا تتمنوا ما فضل الله به بعضكم على بعض لعربية

"And do not be jealous of what Allah has granted to some of you more than some of the others. (For) for men there is a share of what they earn, and for women there is part of what they earn, and ask Allah some of His gifts. Allah is All-Knowing all things. "(Surat an-Nisa [4]: ​​32)
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On the reason for the decline of this verse, Mujahid says, "Um Salama said," O Messenger of God, why men fight while we do not? And why do we only get half of the estate? Then come down this verse. "(Narrated by al-Thabari, Imam Ahmad, Hakim and others)

When, if the Qur'an clearly forbids just envy, then let alone deny and oppose these syar'i differences between men and women by propagating the issue of gender equality. This should not even include kufr. Because it is a form of opposition to the will of God which is kauni who has created men and women with these differences of character, as well as a form of denial of qath'i syar'i texts in the legal distinctions between the two. (See Hirâsah al Fadhîlah, page 22)

Wallâhu 'alam, wa shallallâhu wa sallam' alâ nabiyyinâ Muhammad.
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