How a Campaign on the Newly Released Reviewhunt led rise to a Decade of Flashbacks of a life well before the blockchain!

in #mosaeek5 years ago (edited)

quicklinks (for context) (stage 2 of roadmap) (chat replies over video)

I feel like some kind of timecop that has travelled back through videoblogging time sequences and landed on a webpage after waking up on a keyboard with a green flashing cursor telling to follow the white rabbit — I’ve had quite the surreal flashback kinda day.

You see I’m on a quest, the finally part actually of this quest for Mosaeek, one of the 1st of three companies that are listed on the reviewhunt website right now for hunters to get involved with and go on quests with them, it’s really freaking sweet and if you have not tried it out yet you gotta jump in.

We close the loop between content creators and their audiences by transforming videos into a bi-directional and interactive form of communication.

So there ya go, that’s kinda what they do, what I was not expecting however was that when I got through to the website and start to play around with their service did I have this really crazy flashback to the time when I used video comments inline, in the progress bar with viddler way way back in 2006 — back then it was kinda ground breaking especially because everyone was trying to find a way to do threaded replies — of course the time line got crazy and totally unmanageable and people dumped the idea.

Step forward today thou and we have more than FLASH and crappy webcams to do this and Mosaeek (said like mosaic) could be bringing back the lost art of the ‘reply when you can’ approach of the half way house between live streaming and instagram style stories — video replies will ALWAYS have a warm and fuzzy place in my heart ya see.. .

to note, you can see that my potential earnings from submitting this buzz on my steemit post and on my youtube channel are somewhere around $20, pretty neat if you ask me, I’m digging reviewhunt SO MUCH right now.

Anyway, let me elaborate on the flashback part — it was 2004 ish, I had been researching vlogs, vlogging and citizen journalists, we were leaving messages on yahoo videoblogging groups asking people what were the best codecs to use and youtube had not been born yet (2005 next year) so we had issues with hosts as to where to actually HOST the video file because bandwidth was not unlimited back then (yeah, you have no idea how good you have it)

It all started with mike hudack, and then it was Seesmic, viddler, all these platform started to pop up, in fact @lloyddavis my friend who I’ve known all this time across all these platforms over the decade we have known each other frequented a lot of those platforms with me too.

When I was doing my quest today I was fondly teleported back to the excitement factor of waking up seeing if I had any replies, any direct messages, any interesting topics of the day to give my own feedback on, Seesmic really was a very unique time and space — I guess everyone has their internet community story thou right? Maybe steemians are living it now for the first time, like this is the best place that ever was.

Whilst social media might not have lived up to it’s expected future it did do incredible things to connect us all in a multitude of ways — for good or bad it cemented in place this always on, on demand eco (ego?) system we now frequent the highways upon — remember when it was called the super highway? Yeah right, more like lazy byways these days.

Regardless, today I felt that energetic feeling when you know stars are aligning, like the moment when when jack harper (tom cruise) of oblivion fame lines up the ship to head into the TET — a feeling over overwhelming intention and change is about to happen.

Technology when it’s done well is a transport and get’s out of the way and feels like it just natively should be there, often we get surprised why it’s not always been this way but of course it’s not, it takes intention and great focus to realise some incredible creative ideas into actuality.

mosaeek for instance, could be something just like that. It’s applications are vast where this can be used, sensibly they are looking at high traffic, volume places like instagram, probably in a hope that fb/insta will just snap up the team to integrate that into their product when really instagram or facebooks team could do that easily if they had a reason for the extra data points.

Personally I see mosaeek, at scale as something that app makers, platforms, decentralised forums and platforms like steem engine could use as an add in — think of video comment threaded conversations inside of steemit, busy and steempeak, fully agonistic across all the frontends — then potentially incentivised those discussions.

Heck, let’s snare a few use cases — let’s think of a decentralised Samaritans, vetted skilled workers across different generations and age ranges with a different pricing structure per minute, even people who donate a bit of time just to ‘hang’ anonymously if you like with people who just want to spend time talking to someone across the internet because they are lonely.

What actifit can do for fitness just think of what mosaeek threaded conversations could do for video — I have a grab bag sized bag of idea curation around that, I could easily set a hack weekend ablaze with suggestions of use cases (I’m sure you could too)

I mean, even on steemhunt, imagine creating videos each week for the top 10 like I used too, what if people could give their opinion on the top of the video, what about a live stream as you are working on a product re-design while raising HUNT tokens on ideahunt — you get the idea.

Interactive, threaded video conversations, heck, maybe use some AI and pull all the comments together as an audio digest and put them together as podcasts that are fully searchable for people to retrieve and listen to, maybe recommendations for a hiking trail, story time around a fire, any fire, anywhere in the world…

Anyway, I digress, what I’m really saying is that I enjoyed the app very much, have signed up to their discord, hopefully gave them a few tips to the old stool crew that worked on Seesmic over a decade a go and can bring them some fresh ideas and feedback once they have a working application apart from the web/desktop version they have!

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?


It's really fun to see what happens when a great creator meets a real creative product :)

i'm a good case study! :)

Thanks a lot for this article @teamhumble, that's was really fulfilling to read you here ! And thanks for all the tips you shared with us on our Discord.

I'll personally have a lot of fun to discuss with you on top on your videos on the next few days ( I've already have many ideas parked in my mind since few week )

you are welcome! yeah, i'm down for video comments, just leave me the links!