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RE: Give Me Your Best Moral Dilemma For A Chance To Earn Some SBD

in #morality7 years ago

Well, there's the classic Batman/Superman dilemma.

Say a small airplane with three passengers has lost control and is free falling directly toward a busy intersection.
Neither hero has time to stop the plane; the only options are to redirect it to crash into an empty field, or to save the passengers.

Superman, in keeping with his "must save people" character, would pluck the three passengers out and let the plane crash into the intersection, killing many more.

Batman, with his "cold logic" attitude, would redirect the plane to crash in the field, killing the three passengers, but saving the masses below.

Which is the more moral decision? Could you willingly let people die (right in front of you, mind you -- people you could hear screaming for your help) in order to save possibly 50 others?

Or would you save the passengers' lives - people with parents who love them and kids that depend on them, people with terror in their eyes and tears on their cheeks - and let 50 or so unnamed people die?

Bonus conundrum: Those passengers will have a slow, terrifying build-up to their deaths. They'll have time to scream and pray for help and feel that gut-wrenching sense of loss knowing that they'll never get the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones. They'll also have time to curse you for not saving them and beg you to change your mind.

The people on the ground (at the intersection) would never see the plane coming. They would just be going about their business and then boom, dead.

Does that affect your decision at all?


Trying to stop the plane until the last moment. As you sad, you can't do it, so the 3 people would probably die, but this is how I would do it. How about you?

So you would redirect the plane and try to stop it before it hit the field?

That would be a good option. But yea, the three would die. At least, though, they'd have hope up until the end. Instead of just being like, "sorry you're gonna die, I'll just be over here watching." Ha!

If I had time to stop and think about my decision, I honestly don't know which I would choose. But if forced to make a split-second decision, I would reroute the plane and let those three die.