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RE: Super Blue Blood Moon at Indian Bread Rocks

in #moon7 years ago (edited)

I have been exploring my own emotions lately from an objective perspective. I also have a tendancey of sweeping the bad stuff, under the rug so to speak. What is difference between that and facing the negative and dealing with it properly.. I do feel like i am able to find a certain ammount of acceptance, yet the "demons" never seem to be truly defeated.. Perhaps the answer is forgiveness of self and others? Easy to say. im sure on our journey of practising self awareness and exploring mysticism. These things will only gain more clairity, thank you for sharing and being transparent/vunerable and know that I am holding space for you.


I find it hard to make much progress emotionally without a coach walking me through the process. When I have another person assisting, it goes really well and seems to be fairly effective, but ya... the demons only get weaker, they don't seem to die.

Perhaps it's like addictions in that once you've built the neural networks around the behavior, they're always there and you could always fall back into them. The key is creating new pathways and choosing to stay on them. Or maybe the issues, at least in my case, could be put to rest by fulfilling the need which wasn't filled before which created the resentment.

I am learning a process now where I conjure an image of the emotional trigger (usually a person), notice where I feel the pain/discomfort in the body, and say "I see you and I accept you." At that point I see the sensation as a stuck energy which wants to flow out of the body, and I watch and allow it to go where it needs to. It seems to work really well, but I have a hard time getting myself to set aside time to really focus on it. Emotional work does not excite my thinking mind so it proposes other funner things to do.

Thank you for your support, I aim to support you in the same way.