Moog announced today that they're reissuing the Model 10. The Model 10 was a modular synth designed by Bob Moog back in 1971. It was considered a compact modular synth although seems a bit bulky compared to the smaller modules and budget synths we see today.
It's an interesting move from Moog to reissue this machine. I am not planning to buy one personally but am very much interested in what other plans Moog has now that they've decided to remake this classic synth.

Are they planning to reissue the Prodigy? What drove them to make this decision? Did Behringer's clone of the Model D make them consider reissues? Makes you wonder...
I'm guessing that the Mother 32 (which was a semi modular synth) sold quite well along with the DFAM. The interest in modular synths has seemed to grown over the last few years and it kind of looks like Moog is looking to capitalize on that movement if it hasn't peaked already.
What do you think? Are you interested in the Model 10?
As I like to say....
Hi! 👋🏻
All I know about synths is that they made the 80’s awesome! 😄
This exclamation is 100% accurate.
Can you say "KEYTAR?"
Is this the original Moog synth? I have no idea how these work but it looks crazy. Are you a musician @plaid?
It's not the VERY first Moog, but it's part of the original Moog modular system series. There were a few models that came out just before this one. :)
Always cool seeing more synth stuff on here. Way outside of my price range, but damn that’s enviable.
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@iamevilradio - Thanks man! I am with you on the price of this thing, it's insane but cool that they're reissuing something so old... Appreciate the comments :)