Steemit Monthly Author Challenge by @future24, October 2018 - Day 8: Today's photo of our cafe and food there

Hello dear Steemians,

here is my next post in October for the Steemit #monthlyauthorchallenge from @future24. Thanks @future24 for the great challenge!

For today I have chosen the photo of our cafe and food there: for example, pea soup, pasta and fried liver.




These photo are original and taken with Sony Cybershot DSC-W100 8.1MP Digital Camera

Rules of the Steemit Monthly Author Badget Challenge:

  • Post 1 article with a photo of your life every day for one month and use the tag #monthlyauthorchallenge for this posts & a recognizable title like "S.M.AC by Your Username, Month X - Day X!" for example!

  • You don´t have to add a detailed describtion to your photo article and it can be a quick photo post with Steepshot for example too. (But don´t forget the #monthlyauthorchallenge tag & the recognizable post-title!)

  • It´s not important that the photo of your life is up-to-date, but it shouldn´t be older than 1 year, or you can also choose a photo of your childhood if you like, or a video recorded by yourself etc...

  • To make it more comfortable for everyone, you don´t have to nominate someone for the challenge every day in your daily post. Nominating is voluntary, but to share this fun, I would suggest to nominate some other Steemians from time to time, so that you can do this funny challenge together.

  • Your challenge ends when you reached the Monthy Author badget on and then just make a final post that you finished the challenge. Info: The period for the Monthly Author Badget is always from the first of a calendar month until the last day of this month.

More detailed conditions of the contest can be found at the link -

And thanks @juliank for the great contest.


Тот случай, когда название более презентабельное нежели внешний вид 8)

Не совсем поняла - это про жареную печень, да? :)
Согласна- на фото это блюдо получилось неаппетитным.
Но - было вкусно)

Да, про печень. Это как моя любимая какачковая икра, которая имеет не самый лучший вид, но на вкус восхитительная.
