
@ace108, 讲得太好了!

It is true that I don't know your language but when show your photo on my feed I have like it vary .For that I comment to it

Thanks for visiting.

Now that is one bizarre idea and an equally bizarre car. But I like it.

Yes, it's kind of weird and ingenious in some sense.

Check my post dear

What up with all these photo challenges on steemit? Too hard to sit down and write a proper blog? I’m just too old school and I like the things the hard way . Kiddin. That guy in Indonesia is bit of a genius, love the car ✊🏻

I think it's not difficult for the guy to get a job.
These photo challenges are fun in a way it makes me think steemit more often and I pay attention to more thinks since coming on here. :-)



Awesome! So is it front wheel drive?

I guess you can say safely say it's both front wheel and rear wheel drives. :-)