Who created us? God. Why did God create us? Collective purpose of life!

in #monotheism7 years ago (edited)

Does God Exist?

We've already established that God exists and without Him who would have created us all? (paragraph from 1st post of this series, read it here.)!

The mountains and the deserts, the clouds and the rains, the life and the death, the days and the nights, the light and the darkness, the body and the soul, the love and the hate, the hope and the disbelieve, happiness and the grieve in fact each and everything around us calls for a creator, the perfect, the greatest of all, the supreme and the most knowledge able!

Does God Exist? Yes! Which one?

We discussed different concepts of God and concluded that Monotheism is the only possibility!(Points discussed in the 2nd post of this series, read it here.)

  • Concept of God in Christianity(Christian definition of God)
  • Concept of God In Judaism(Jewish definition of God)
  • Concept of God In Islam(Islamic definition of ALLAH)

"The zeal and the eagerness for truth must not stop."
-Asad ullah Cheema


Why does God created us? Collective purpose of life!

Stop for a while, look around you, you will find 95% of the things around you are invented(created) by humans. Why those were invented(created)? there must be a reason behind making or creation of each and everything like fan, A.C, heater, T.V, light bulb and even this laptop and internet were created with a reason and they all are assigned some specific tasks by their creator or manufacturer. How is it possible that God created us(the best of the creation) without a purpose?

Yes, there is a reason behind our creation, how can one find that?

“A life directed chiefly towards the fulfillment of personal desires will sooner or later always lead to bitter disappointment”
-Albert Einstein(Letter to T. Lee, Jan. 16, 1954).

Now look around and you will find, with everything, manufacturer gives a manual with all it's warnings, limitations and suggestions for optimal use. Did God gave us the manual? or left us all in the dark? No, He sent his messengers(the finest of his creation of their time) to his beloved creation and they were all humans so that we can relate to them and sent the Holy scriptures with his words and orders.
Note: We have omitted the possibilities of alternation of the Holy scriptures(In Christianity Bible or In Judaism Tanakh or the Hebrew Bible).

Holy Bible?

"Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil"
-(Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

This verse explains the purpose as just following the commandments is the whole duty and nothing else, it do make sense but, the doubts on the alternation of the words haunts me!

“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”
-(Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Here is an advice for staying continuously in search of truth and the ultimate reality.

Holy Quran?

“I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship.” (Quran 51:56)

By worship, It means the praise of Almighty by any mean, yes there are five major types of prayers known as pillars of Islam which all have different major sub-purposes for example "Salat" protect us from sin and unjust actions but, in depth worshiping Alllah means that following nobody but, Allah. So, every actions must be for the sake of Allah and if it becomes, the one who possesses this level of faith is known as "momin".

“Glorify the praises of your Lord...” (Quran 15:98)

If one become momin(the true believer), then...

"Heart of the Believer is House of Allah"

I would love to know, what's in your head? what do you think of it?



"The zeal and the eagerness for truth must not stop."
-Asad ullah Cheema


Ek omkar satnam kartapurakh nirbhar nirvair akaal murat ajooni saibhang gurprasad. There is only one God and his name is the truth he is the Creator of all without fear and without hate the image of the undying or one beyond space and time one who is not born and cannot die either self created and is obtained through the grace of the True Guru.

bilkul zbrdast gal kiti ay prava ;)

Dhan Guru Nanak.

Interesting read, thanks! I believe we're all god =]

Indeed, We all have good in us :)

So much to learn from this

mission accomplished :P

Yes God does exist, he has shown signs, miracles and so many other great things.

Indeed, thank you so much for your kind words :)


Good point and good post

Thank you so much @jonrufati :)

Without purpose what is life??
Thank u for this

my pleasure :)

I believe that we have created a image of god actually god are created by humans they are the one who hangs God Images on their home and even they spend their Time on praying them. In future i think that god believe will be there but in very small amont of peoples.