I haven't posted a #monochromemonday hosted by @old-guy-photos or a #monomad entry hosted by @brumest in ages, so I thought, why not today!
This morning I had to walk to the dry cleaners to send a few button down shirts for laundry. I wash my own clothes except for nice shirts. I just can't do those as well as a dry cleaner so it's worth the extra money. The dry cleaner is in the interior courtyard/parking for the W Hotel. I decided to snap a few photos looking up.
Happy Monday!
Those are cool and the second one is disorientating!! I like it. What are those lights on the first one going across?
Over the driveway entrance for W Hotel Parking and Valet, there are these white lights on a string. I've been trying forever to get a good shot of them that I like, but I never do. Someday I'll get that shot!