Most people love money and almost everyone loves money. Almost everyone also does not realize that money is the cause of a person being able to survive the world and the hereafter or it could be misfortune.
Destruction can be shown in various ways without us being aware of it, just as the possessions we have do not give happiness and peace. The desire to have advantages never ends, money can also close our eyes and hearts.
So that the assets we have may be used up by useless work, the money used is not on the road or according to needs, the wealth is never enjoyed like people in general.
This is the pinnacle of victory and the beauty of sharing. Sharing with alms is proof of human sacrifice on top of pride and arrogance.
Pure awareness that the sustenance and property currently owned is a deposit given, not merely the success of his own business.
Sharing by means of charity is proof of gratitude for the abundance of sustenance it receives, we often hear that in our sustenance there is the sustenance of others.
Giving charity is proof of a call for people who are kind and avoid humans who only love worldly life. Those who love to share, always radiate the light of love for their fellow human beings.
This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes.

In order to be considered valid, every entry needs to be posted in the black and white community.Hello @rahmadantara Kindly read our contest rules.
such a wonderful series