Taken from a rather high vantage point in the town of Oia on the island of Santorini, off the coast of Greece, early May 2017.
The weather was quite kind. Normally the place would be wind-blown and shrouded beneath cloud cover at that time of year - but instead it was quite warm - even rather hot!
On the bright side the sun did play upon the white-painted stonework to produce a brilliant contrast between nature and man.
Quiet and lazy, with few people venturing into the late morning sun - many prefering the shelter of the town buildings, each humble but altogether impressive as they perce ever so close to the cliffs beyond. Snaking between them, the stairs and narrow pathways ill-suited for motor vehicles - harking back to times simpler.
This contrast I further augmented for a slightly more vintage effect through a simple overlay of a duplicated layer in Paint.NET. Also resized to 800x600 for sanity's sake. No other modifications made.
MonoMad Photographic Contest (this week's theme - Buildings).This is my Monday entry for @brumest's
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Nice photo, will you be posting the colored version of it? Quite curious to see the color of the ocean, compare it to what I imagine it looks like from this picture!
Thank you @jadoob ^_^
Sure! Here is the color version. It looks a little lighter due to the monochrome having overlay, as mentioned in the post.