Dachstein (monomad entry)

in #monomad6 years ago

Dachstein in Austria

The medium format (6x6) presents the mountain in all its beauty.

Dachstein blackandwhite.jpg
(Click on the photo to view full screen)
Taken on a Rolleiflex 2.8 F with a 80mm Planar and Kodak Potra 160/in photoshop converted to black and white


Congratulations @nikokafka. Today's #monomad first place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.

Thank you again. I feel honoured!

Sehr stimmiges Bild, Respekt! Da muss ich nächstes Jahr mal rauf :)

Danke dir! Ja der Dachsteingletscher ist super schön. Tolle Wanderwege in der Umgebung. Mit dem Auto im vollem Nebel (im Februar) hochfahren ist auch sehr abenteuerlich :)

Glaub ich dir :D Du bist aus Wien oder?

That is striking @nikokafka , wow ! How far did you have to carry your Medium format camera to get that photo?

There's a platform where you can easily take pictures! Of course you can't see that on the picture, that's what makes it so dramatic...


woah, extrem gut gelungenes Bild! :)

GOOD^^; HAVE a nice day ... from SEOUL.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank's ;)

This is so wow.

You are Wow! Thanks :)

Great capture of a wonderful mountain! 😉 👌