Hi all,
Today I’m kind of playing around and wanted to post a little fun submission for monochrome Monday. This is a fairly simple post but I will explain a bit what this is from.
If you paid attention to my last post a few weeks ago, you will find out that I attended something so fun...my very first BTS concert. To also be fair it was the first concert I have ever really wanted to go to as well.
I got this on the way out of the concert and decided to take a picture of it. I actually left with a few souvenirs such as my new ARMY bomb, a T-shirt from a guy selling one on the street, and a bunch of weighted streamers that came down from the roof during the concert during various song performances. I also had a ton of pictures and a few video clips.
Anyways, here is my submission for taking part in monochrome Monday.
Hope you enjoyed my little post.
hereWhat is monochrome monday? Check out @old-guy-photos latest post
I do apologize in advance but what is exactly BTS ??
Omg you do live under a rock🤣
Lol, oh Ed.
You beat me to it, I didn't know them either lol
Maybe because all the kpop groups I know are girls :D
Lol it’s all good. BTS is a Kpop group. To actually be specific at this point they are probably the most popular boy group in the world.
"Love yourself." That's such an important thing to do. Thanks for the reminder. :)
OK I will admit I had to look up who BTS were. LOL at least Im honest ! In my mind, BTS=Bitshares lol