📷 Monochrome Monday :: Motorway🛣️ Construction Work :: By @lichtblick 😊

in #monochromemonday7 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians

Hard Work On The Street

Today I show you four photos from street construction work at #monochromemonday

As a young grown up I worked several holidays in that business. It has been a really hard job with 12 hours working days plus 2 hours per day for the transfer from my home to my working place. When one of the big road construction finishers is out of order that problem has to be solved very quickly as the loss of money is very high. 

Here you can see a road construction paver and how it is filled with tar. In the front is a vibratory plate which distributes and compacts the material.

Canonn Ixus 20 edited in b&w

Follow @lichtblick


früher als Landschaftsgärtner in der Firma wo ich gelernt hatte, da haben wir die Einfahrt für einen Kunden geteert. Das auch noch mitten im Hochsommer. Das war der Wahnsinn, denn meine Sohlen kochten und das Wasser lief nur noch so runter. Es ist eine harte Arbeit und ich habe von jedem Respekt, der diese Arbeit macht. Speziell auf der Autobahn wo dauernd dieser Lärm auch noch auf der Nebenspur ist.

Cooler Beitrag!

Auf der Autobahn aufgenommen?

Ja auf der Autobahn. Danke dir mein Lieber.

Zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort! ;-)

Echt coole Pics, gefallen mir :-)

This theme is actually perfectly suited for B&W photography! Love it bro! Well done. You're an artist!

Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche mein Lieber :)

Hallo lieber @Lichtblick. Wie immer muss ich gestehen, dass Du es schaffst Motive an denen wir tagtäglich einfach ohne Beachtung vorbeifahren in einem ganz anderen Licht darzustellen. Selbst ich muss sagen, dass ich öfters mal meinen Blickwinkel ändern sollte. Denn wenn ich Deine Bilder betrachte, wie Du sie hier in Szene setzt, übersehe ich wohl so manches Objekt das in einem Foto einen ganz eigenen Charakter entwickelt. Toller Beitrag wie ich finde. Danke fürs teilen. Grüße Markus.

Always a busy Monday...
Hardwork pays !

Nice photos and thanks for the explanation also. I have also seen this machine in my city. Always fascinated me, never taught to photograph it. You gave me good homework :))

Hard work pays very well
Just like being so hard working on steemit
U must surly get a reward after 7 days
Upvoted and resteemed as usual

Good post. Thanks for sharing :)

Awesome photography
A busy day

Hi lichtblick.. Yeah you are right.. This is really a hard work.. I saw workers on roads showering in their owh sweat.. They worked hard for our peace.. Shots are good as usual.. Thanx young man for sharing good stuf

Wow...amazing photography...i appreciate this work...best of luck.....

This very beautiful photography i appreciate your work thanks for sharing this blog.. thanks a lot..

Wow what a great construction company it nice post

good job, good luck

wow this is amozing......

photography is a good friend

Upvote yes

awesome photography dear friend
I love your post,,thanks for sharing with us

It actually pays to be diligent and consistent in what you do, it pays off over time.

wow..... really @lichtblick your black and white photography is so....... amezing.. it's nice. i impressed your photography... i appreciate .. good job... carry on..... and good luck thanks for share

Its a really great work ..
I think hard work then more success ..
Thank you for your great post ...AAEAAQAAAAAAAAmUAAAAJDQ3ZTk5ZmI2LTczMWEtNDI3Ni1iMzllLTBmZGM0MzNkNmVjMw.jpg

you are right its really hardworking. good content upvote and follow you

Sieht richtig cool aus :-)

This is what we call the skill to take the awesome photographs, Bravo. Motorway machinery is working infact really hard to build some wonderful roads for the town, great to know :)

This work is worthy of respect! When I look at these people, especially in the heat, I understand, that they are doing an important and difficult thing!
And Yes, the photo looks great in black and white!

Das ist ergebnis warum ich hasse Montag. work work work :)

Great shots men at work nice to see the beautiful pics :)

@lichtblick wow wonderful post thank sir

fantastic work with b&w photo, make some nostalgia.

its really hard work

mine are mono too

Beautiful shots great for #monochromemonday

good pos dear friend

Such a large and powerful machine. Perhaps, this is quite an interesting experience in your life.

Great shots, friend @lichtblick ! You had a great experience!

aha hier wohl zur canon gegriffen :D mir gefällt das erste foto besonders gut. der ausschnitt ist sehr gut getroffen. das motiv erinnert mich eher an ein bergwerk. aber das liegt wohl daran dass ich sonst nicht genau hinschaue :D