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RE: We Need 2020 Vision

in #money5 years ago

I'm sorry about your MS.

The supply chain is broken and won't be coming back from China which means we can expect shortages within about 6 months. We have to do our own manufacturing now. Make sure you have at least enough food and medicine to get into next year. Start planting a garden now. Eventually when people who are currently hoarding USD because they're scared of not having work, once that money starts circulating in the economy, we switch from deflation to prices going up, most likely dramatically.

This is when you can expect governments around the world (including the USA) to switch to a digital dollar that is centrally controlled. They will of course have to do their hyperinflation experiment again. Bill Gates pretty much owns the WHO now and wants forced vaccinations in order to "return to normal", yet the president of Tanzania recently had some fruit test positive for covid.

I've been taking 5-6 grams of vitamin C / day, 10,000 IU vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom tea and Zinc. There's also other therapies that big pharma doesn't want you to know about because that hinders vaccine profits. They also push vaccines because there's no legal recourse for vaccine injury any more. Lobbyists all got together to make sure that tort avenue was closed to maximize profits. Given that you can't sue, you also can't trust that they have any reason to be careful (I remember the Swine flu epidemic of 1976 in which more people died from the vaccine than the disease).


Oh we are totally prepping. We have enough meat for a year, and have started a huge edible garden. We are working on getting some kind of solar setup in case the power structures shut down. I don't trust that anything will be the same in 6 months.