in #money5 years ago


Are you surprise that the popular saying changed "The love of money is the root of all evil". You may disagree with me but if you take a moment to read through this post, I may change the narrative. It is true everyone loves money and even when you tell some African ladies that they love money too much, they tend to disagree with you immediately and debunk instead but of a truth, I don't think there is anyone on planet who don't love money.

We are all on steemit today and everyone on the blockchain are here for the money and if you say it is for the passion, there is still some monetary benefit which fuels our ability to always come back again. I will say the "THE LACK OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL". Look at the things going out in the world today, people do all ill things just to get that money. I believe a man who have money won't plan a robbery attack or kidnap anyone for ransom, I can't imagine Bill Gate or Jeff doing that but a man who lacks the financial instrument will do all within his power to see he makes it. People goes into drug dealing, thuggery, robbery and kidnapping because they lack money to move their lives forward.

Once a man is rich and physically challenged, no one will see his disabilities because the wealth has covered it all but once a man lacks money, it will be easy for people to mock and bully him for his disabilities, the lack of money led to the bully of Quaden, an Australian 9 years dwarf who was bullied in school and wanted to kill himself and asked his mother for a rope to kill himself showed in a video done by his mother and after that video went viral, he got support from town and around the world and now things have changed because philanthropist has raised support for him and even his gofundme account raised $500 in 10 minutes


The lack of money is the reason most people jump into politics, they want money and power. The world billionaires won't be looking for money because their asset already gave them that and reason why most politicians loot the people's resources because a man can only take what he doesn't have. Lack of money is the reason behind many scam ICO/Airdrop project ongoing on Exchanges and telegram group.

Money is good and the lack of money is the reason I am still here because I lack it


Welcome back after some month @yungchief

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