Althought the cashless society and smart cities are about control and surveillance on one level, their real implications are way more sinister. There is an ongoing push to create a technological sub reality and connect humans to artificial intelligence. This will happen to a point where the human component in us keeps diminishing and eventually the "cloud" takes over our mental and emotional processes.
The elite/illuminati/cabal, whatever you want to call them, have controlled the world all along known human history through force, manipulating finance and moulding our perceptions . We're now on the cusp of the final revolution, wherein they want direct control over our minds and convert us into a battery as a power source which they can control. Microchipping is just a smokescreen, although that's going to happen, the real thing people should be watching for is nano-technology (chemtrails) and transhumanism (converting the human body from within via synthetic dna and nanoparticles into cyborg like sex less beings). The foundation of this conspiracy has always been getting us to identify with our body-mind instead of the infinite awareness that we are. We can play the system by keeping our wealth in cryptos, gold, prepping for a collapse, etc but we'll only witness a crumbling away of the current control system as it is if we remembered who we really are and started experiencing that in this reality.
That is the ultimate revolution!