I don't understand. You want the state to stay and just do what you want? Is that even conceivable? Just because Hitler cropped up around the same time of the last banking collapse, does't mean the two were necessarily linked.
My belief is Hitler and the banking collapse were engineered by the banksters for their own purposes. I don't think it would be "terrible" if the banking system collapses if we have crypto. Look at Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, China. These places have perfectly fine functioning central banks, and they accept cash. That does nothing for their people.
Cash is not our friend until it's backed by a decentralized crypto. Just wait, they'll come out with a cash instrument that has tracing built in. All they need to do is start printing QR codes and force merchants to scan your bills once you spend them. Do you think this is past their ability?
Your analogy is a bit off, I believe. The militarized cop is the state and the 1920's police officer is the state in 1920. It's oppression in either case. Just because you would prefer the old state doesn't mean we should ask the state to be nice and shrink. I understand you like this restaurant and like using cash, but that's not realistic.
That's why I'm saying we need to start advocating for crypto (if we aren't already) and seriously let what comes, come. Can you even imagine a way we could transition from government thug money to free money controlled by the people without too many people failing to take the plunge, thereby putting themselves and their families at risk? I can, but just barely.
Look I agree with you fundamentally, I just don't think your strategy proposal is good.
Cryptos are not mature enough to replace cash yet, nor do they have any privacy, in some cases even worse than cash.
Until this issue is addressed, we still have to hold it.
I think we have to delay the cashless society as much as possible until the cryptocurrencies mature.
If the banking system would go all out tyrannical tommorrow, or if they would implode, that would cause untold amounts of damage, people are not prepared for that.
They don't have any money, their assets are all collaterals. First they need to have some assets, in order to survive this, and then, maybe then, they can ride out smoothly the collapse.
We're on the same team, wanting the same goal.
Different approaches must be proposed before we get to this goal.
We do the best we can. We help ourselves and we help others. We create awareness of the problem and we propose solutions.
The rest is out of our hands. Great convo!