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RE: Max Keiser on The Fall of Central Banking & The Rise of Cryptocurrencies

in #money8 years ago

It's great to have mainstream bigwigs like Max exposing the unsustainable banking industry and confirming what we all know - that decentralised cryptocurrency are the road towards freedom from that system.


@ugetfunded - interesting, so you're basically implying that everything.. whether it's stocks, bonds, fiat, crypto, real estate, gold silver, or anything else you can think.. these are all bubbles? I guess it is true, there is no 100% completely safe asset, although some are far safer than others.. on that note I recently did a post on what the best investment portfolio is in these times of uncertainty

Great point. There is a reason bitcoin came about during the financial crisis. Hopefully it doesn't happen but if another 2008 like crisis did occur it might propel cryptocurrencies to the main stream.

I think the markets will have a serious correction at some point in the next few years - also US$ is looking very shaky - Trump's continued demise is not helping the US economy or currency - should only be helpful for cryptocurrency - as less and less people will want to hold the US $ ;-)

If there was a US financial crash resulting in a USD crash against other currencies then we'll really see if BitCoin etc. has established value independent of the dollar. If it has then BTC/USD should increase. That would cement its status as a safe haven from USD currency crashes.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

You obviously jump cut this video.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

lol.. somebody has taken a huge time to create this stuff. But in real I don't think he will ever say so.

Absolutely, the question is the timeline - who knows how long freedom from that system will take...a few more months, years....decades?? To be honest it's surprising they've been able to hold it together this long.