"Financial abuse is a big part of domestic violence. A basic income that takes care of survival needs would make it easier to leave a financially abusive relationship."
I disagree. I have seen these relationships. The controller will be controlling that income as well. Having skills is what would make leaving easier.
I agree with nearly everything else you said. Good comment.
Good point. It's not all about the money with these relationships, it's control. If you were to hand the abused $10,000 to leave, they still may not be able to.
I read an article awhile back that recommended that women have a "fuck off fund." So when your partner seems to turn and become controlling, or your boss does something inappropriate, or your roommate turns into a monster, you don't for a moment have to think about staying in a bad relationship for the financial support. You can instantly tell that partner, roommate, or boss, "fuck off" and you won't be homeless.
I guess that's just emergency savings. It's more fun to call it a fuck off fund though.
I love this idea. Everyone should have a "Fuck off" fund. That word doesn't offend me, but I don't say it often. In this case, it seems perfect.
I think also the UBI will help AFTER they leave the abusive partner, as they no they can leave without facing complete destitution.