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RE: What Would Happen if Everyone Were Given 1 Million Dollars?

in #money8 years ago

Nope, I am against government borrowing. Read my posts again. Slowly, use your finger if you have to. fb and steemit are competitors. fb profits go to zucherberg. steemit rewards contributors and curators. They are 2 different business models. Redistribution has nothing to do with it. There is no entity like a government stealing from zucherberg and giving to steemians. You are too stupid to know the difference between voluntary interaction and theft through force. It is a wonder you still know how to breathe. I have worked my whole life and never stolen anything. With that, I will say goodbye. You really should move to North Korea or Cuba so you can live your dream. I will no longer respond unless I see more flag abuse from your end. Then I will respond.


Too bad you have your head in a box, you seem smart.
Condescending and antagonising me doesn't make you right.
I never said we should steal from them, but to create a system that doesn't allow for such discrepancies.
You keep atacking me because you cannot attack my idea, and it's all a very political strategy.
Again, stop blaming goverments! They are in DEBT! They are OWNED. They serve the 1% you keep sweating in a pathetic attempt to justify.