LBRY Credits (LBC) are trading at $0.318749.
LBRY is an app for watching videos. Uploaders can host their videos on the decentralized network and make them available for free or charge LBRY Credits to view the content. It puts monetization in content creator's hands and also circumvents censorship by relying upon a torrent-like, decentralized network to make videos available.
Get early access to LBRY with this link: and start watching or uploading content on the LBRY network today!
As a bonus, you can get LBC for doing stuff like claiming your channel or checking out featured videos. These credits allow you to watch monetized videos through the LBRY app or you can sell them for bitcoin on the open market!
Get access to the LBRY app and start earning LBC with this link:
If you like this post and want to send me LBC, you can do so here: bUowFLEzbtLQpyWdYCg29STAadoJgzA4Jw
You need CC to register, and they steal $1 from it. Just my experience. Rewards are bigger than $1, but still...
This is a new requirement to collect rewards (not to register). Instituted to avoid abuse of the rewards system. I had a chat with the LBRY team on their slack and the CC charge is just to test authorization and is immediately reversed (although it may take some time to come off your statement). You can e-mail them at if you have any questions. Hope that clears things up!
Not sure about LBRY's value proposition.
You know what I want? A marketplace where I can trade my assets, buy assets from others and colloborate on great music project, let someone make me videos to my music. Just create cool stuff together and earn likes just as on Steemit. Maybe with a little crowdfunding for bigger projects.
Thanks for chiming in!
You're welcome. I'm curious how #LBRY will do. Any idea, future forcast?
This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click
This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click
not sure if lbry will do well seen dtube is out
Yea, not sure if requiring people to download an app just to watch videos (versus a website like DTube) will encourage mass adoption. However, whoever can get steemit to allow embedding their videos on the site will certainly benefit, imho.